Trump Jr and conspiracy theory: analysis of World War III statement
ByMaciej Lesiak
- 3 minutes read - 574 words
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Trump Jr i teoria spiskowa: analiza wypowiedzi o III wojnie światowej
What's in this article
In today’s short, we’ll analyze Trump Junior’s statement, which, by simplifying complex geopolitical processes, suggests that global and U.S. internal politics are controlled by a military complex seeking to trigger a world war and thereby increase profits. Setting aside typical characteristics of such conspiratorial thinking like simplification and hidden motives, it completely ignores whether this group considers the unpredictability of global conflict that could derail profit plans - well, I’m trying to show it’s not logical, but let’s look at what’s going on…
The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 17, 2024
Gotta lock in those $Trillions.
Life be damned!!! Imbeciles!
The Military-Industrial Complex Theory
The theory of the military-industrial complex as a secret force driving towards world war, promoted by Donald Trump Jr., has its roots in a real concept introduced by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1961. In his farewell address, he warned about the excessive influence of the arms industry on U.S. policy. However, Trump Jr.’s current use of this term significantly distorts its original meaning, transforming legitimate criticism into a conspiracy theory.
Trump Junior Suggests a Conspiracy to Trigger World War III
The latest statement by the former president’s son suggests that the Biden administration’s decision to provide Ukraine with long-range ATACMS missiles is part of a broader conspiracy aimed at triggering World War III. This is a classic example of a conspiracy theory connecting real events (arms deliveries) with an imagined, malicious plan, ignoring the complexity of geopolitical situations and the real reasons behind political decisions.
A Familiar Conspiracy Narrative
This type of narrative is characteristic of contemporary political discourse, where complex geopolitical decisions are simplified and presented as the result of hidden interest groups’ actions. Eisenhower’s original warning about the excessive influence of the arms industry has been distorted into a conspiracy narrative about an all-powerful organization deliberately seeking global conflict, significantly departing from the term’s original meaning.
Characteristic Features This Conspiracy Theory is Based On:
- Common sense thinking
- Connecting random events into a purposeful sequence - “connecting the dots”
- Attributing hidden motivations - nothing happens without purpose
- Demonization of political opponents
- Presenting complex processes as a simple conspiracy - simplification
- Using real fears (war escalation) for particular political purposes
Goals of Such Narrative:
Let’s consider the potential goals of maintaining such a narrative:
- Presents Donald Trump as the only possible “savior”
- Attacks the Biden administration as a puppet of the arms industry, thus deprecating political opponents
- Fits into populist anti-establishment rhetoric - rhetorical devices: emotional language (“imbeciles”, “life be damned”), extreme contrasts (peace vs. war), manipulative victim narrative
- Uses real fears of armed conflict to show simple solutions based on a very, very simplified vision of the world and geopolitics
- Polarizes society by showing a puppet government being a footstool of the deep state, or hidden government
- Aims to undermine trust in public institutions, which fits into the broader context of deprecating federal institutions that I looked at in Project 2025: How Trump and MAGA Can Transform American Climate Policy
I dedicate today’s conspiracy theory about hidden groups seeking to trigger World War III to all my friends who believe in such narratives.
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