Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Cybersecurity”
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Bypassing Security Filters in ChatGPT's SVG Generation
Analysis of a ChatGPT vulnerability related to generating and packaging potentially dangerous SVG files. Security flaw discovery during routine AI work.
read moreAI series: A scenario of how AI can take over recommendation systems, generating and reinforcing conspiracy theories and disinformation
Description of prompt engineering to demonstrate how AI can take over recommendation systems, generating and reinforcing conspiracy theories and disinformation. My analysis goes beyond the current framework of copyright and labor rights discussions, showing deeper mechanisms of potential threat. A systematic analysis of AI-related threats and specific scenarios of potential misuse.
read moreParanoia as a Working Method: Anticipating Threats in IT, Part 1
An analysis of an implementation flaw in WhatsApp's 2FA and how a paranoid approach can help identify pseudo-security features. Paranoid thinking reveals the importance of going beyond standard patterns to avoid the pitfalls of false security offered by Big Tech applications.
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