ActivityPub Diagrams v1.0
ByMaciej Lesiak
- 11 minutes read - 2152 wordsWhat's in this article
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
This article presents a series of visual representations that break down ActivityPub’s complex architecture and workflows, originally created during my personal exploration of federated networks. While developing these diagrams for my own understanding, they’ve proven invaluable in grasping ActivityPub’s core concepts and federation mechanisms. The diagrams focus on architectural components and workflows, but are part of my broader research journey into practical challenges like spam prevention, database design, concurrency handling, protocol compliance, and operational concerns like monitoring and load balancing. Future articles will explore these critical aspects, including content moderation strategies. For now, these diagrams serve as my foundation for understanding ActivityPub’s key components and their interactions in decentralized social networks.
1. ActivityPub Implementation Architecture
This diagram provides a detailed view of an ActivityPub implementation’s technical infrastructure, focusing on critical operational aspects. It highlights how different components interact through caching layers, asynchronous processing, and error handling mechanisms. The diagram is particularly useful for understanding how to build a robust, production-ready ActivityPub service that can handle scaling challenges. Note that while this represents the core architecture, practical implementations should also consider database schema design, monitoring solutions, and content moderation workflows.
2. ActivityPub System Architecture
This comprehensive diagram illustrates the core social networking features and their integration with ActivityPub protocols. It demonstrates how user actions flow through the system, from client interface to federation endpoints, emphasizing security layers and WebSub implementation. The visual organization helps understand how different components work together to create a cohesive social networking platform. While focusing on protocol flows, implementers should also consider data persistence strategies and API versioning approaches.
3. ActivityPub System Architecture (Detailed View)
This detailed workflow diagram emphasizes the practical implementation aspects of ActivityPub, particularly focusing on media handling and real-time updates. It shows how activities flow from client actions through federation, including error handling at various stages. The diagram highlights critical integration points between different system components, though additional consideration should be given to content moderation frameworks and scaling strategies.
4. ActivityPub Core Workflow and Security
This final diagram focuses on the security aspects and core processing workflow of ActivityPub implementations. It demonstrates how activities are created, validated, and distributed while maintaining security through signature verification and access control. The diagram emphasizes error handling and stream processing, though production implementations will need additional considerations for rate limiting strategies and authentication mechanisms.
Future Considerations
As these diagrams evolve, future iterations and articles will address:
- Database schema patterns optimized for ActivityPub data structures
- Scaling strategies for high-traffic instances
- Monitoring and observability implementations
- Content moderation workflows and tools
- API versioning and evolution approaches
- Federation protocol compliance verification
- Migration strategies for system updates
- Load balancing and high availability patterns
These aspects will be crucial for moving from architectural understanding to practical implementation.
ActivityPub Architecture: Raw mermaid diagram
Note: These diagrams were created for personal learning and private usage. While I’ve strived for accuracy, they represent my understanding of ActivityPub as an amateur enthusiast and should not be considered an authoritative reference.
This is taken from private repository which contains raw Mermaid diagram definitions for visualizing ActivityPub architecture and workflows. These diagrams are compatible with GitHub Markdown rendering, Hugo static site generator (with Mermaid support), and standard Mermaid.js libraries. Each diagram can be directly used in documentation, technical specs, or educational materials about ActivityPub implementations.
The primary goals of sharing these raw diagrams are:
- Providing ready-to-use technical visualizations for ActivityPub architecture
- Ensuring compatibility across different Mermaid renderers
- Making it easier to understand federation workflows through visual representation
- Offering a base template that others can modify for their needs
graph TD
classDef objectModel fill:#e3f2fd,stroke:#1565c0
classDef clientActions fill:#e1f5fe,stroke:#01579b
classDef mediaHandling fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#ef6c00
classDef activityTypes fill:#f3e5f5,stroke:#7b1fa2
classDef federation fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#2e7d32
classDef security fill:#fce4ec,stroke:#c2185b
classDef caching fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#616161
classDef async fill:#ede7f6,stroke:#4527a0
classDef error fill:#ffebee,stroke:#b71c1c
classDef extensions fill:#e0f7fa,stroke:#006064
subgraph "Client-Side Caching"
CC1[Browser Cache]:::caching
CC2[Service Worker]:::caching
CC4[Cache Strategy]:::caching
subgraph "Server-Side Caching"
SC1[Redis Cache]:::caching
SC3[HTTP Cache]:::caching
SC4[Cache Invalidation]:::caching
subgraph "Async Processing"
AQ1[Message Queue]:::async
AQ2[Task Workers]:::async
AQ3[Background Jobs]:::async
AQ4[Event Bus]:::async
subgraph "Error Handling"
EH1[Retry Logic]:::error
EH2[Circuit Breaker]:::error
EH3[Dead Letter Queue]:::error
EH4[Error Reporting]:::error
EH5[Exponential Backoff]:::error
subgraph "ActivityPub Extensions"
EX1[Custom Activities]:::extensions
subgraph "Core ActivityPub"
AP1[Object Model]:::objectModel
AP2[Activity Types]:::activityTypes
AP4[Media Handling]:::mediaHandling
%% Client Flow
CC1 & CC2 & CC3 -->|Cache Strategy| CC4
CC4 -->|Fresh Content| CLI[Client Interface]
CLI -->|Request| AP1
%% Server Flow
AP1 -->|Process| AQ1
AQ1 -->|Distribute| AQ2
AQ2 -->|Execute| AQ3
AQ3 -->|Publish| AQ4
%% Caching Flow
AQ4 -->|Cache| SC1
SC1 -->|Distribute| SC2
SC2 -->|Serve| SC3
SC3 -->|Invalidate| SC4
%% Error Flow
AQ2 -->|Fail| EH1
EH1 -->|Retry| EH5
EH5 -->|Circuit Break| EH2
EH2 -->|Dead Letter| EH3
EH3 -->|Report| EH4
%% Extensions Flow
AP1 -->|Extend| EX1
EX1 -->|Support| EX2 & EX3 & EX4 & EX5
%% Federation Flow
AP1 -->|Federate| AP3
AP3 -->|Queue| AQ1
AP3 -->|Cache| SC1
AP3 -->|Handle Errors| EH1
graph TD
classDef objectModel fill:#e3f2fd,stroke:#1565c0
classDef clientActions fill:#e1f5fe,stroke:#01579b
classDef mediaHandling fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#ef6c00
classDef activityTypes fill:#f3e5f5,stroke:#7b1fa2
classDef federation fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#2e7d32
classDef security fill:#fce4ec,stroke:#c2185b
classDef streams fill:#f1f8e9,stroke:#558b2f
classDef webSub fill:#fff8e1,stroke:#ff8f00
subgraph "ActivityPub Object Model"
OBJ[Activity Object]:::objectModel
OBJ -->|properties| OBJ1[type]:::objectModel
OBJ -->|properties| OBJ2[actor]:::objectModel
OBJ -->|properties| OBJ3[object]:::objectModel
OBJ -->|properties| OBJ4[published]:::objectModel
OBJ -->|properties| OBJ5[@context]:::objectModel
subgraph "Client Interface"
CLI1[Browse Timeline]:::clientActions
CLI2[Search Content]:::clientActions
subgraph "Activity Types"
subgraph "Security Layer"
SEC1[HTTP Signatures]:::security
SEC2[Public Key Crypto]:::security
SEC3[Access Control]:::security
SEC4[Rate Limiting]:::security
subgraph "WebSub Implementation"
WS1[Hub Discovery]:::webSub
WS3[Verify Intent]:::webSub
WS4[Deliver Updates]:::webSub
subgraph "Activity Streams"
STR1[Home Timeline]:::streams
STR2[Public Timeline]:::streams
STR4[Content Filter]:::streams
subgraph "Media Processing"
MED1[Upload Handler]:::mediaHandling
MED2[Process Media]:::mediaHandling
MED3[Generate Preview]:::mediaHandling
MED4[CDN Storage]:::mediaHandling
subgraph "Federation"
FED2[Actor Resolution]:::federation
FED3[Key Exchange]:::federation
FED4[Activity Delivery]:::federation
CLI1 & CLI2 --> STR1 & STR2 & STR3
CLI3 & CLI4 & CLI5 --> AT1 & AT2 & AT3 & AT4 & AT5 & AT6
AT1 & AT2 & AT3 & AT4 & AT5 & AT6 --> OBJ
CLI3 -->|Upload| MED1
MED1 --> MED2 --> MED3 --> MED4
MED4 -->|Attach| OBJ
OBJ -->|Verify| SEC1 & SEC2
SEC1 & SEC2 -->|Allow| SEC3
SEC3 -->|Check| SEC4
SEC4 -->|Approved| FED4
FED4 -->|Discover| FED1
FED1 -->|Resolve| FED2
FED2 -->|Exchange| FED3
FED4 -->|Notify| WS1
WS1 --> WS2 --> WS3 --> WS4
WS4 -->|Updates| STR1 & STR2 & STR3
STR1 & STR2 & STR3 -->|Apply| STR4
STR4 -->|Customize| STR5
graph TD
classDef clientActions fill:#e1f5fe,stroke:#01579b
classDef mediaHandling fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#ef6c00
classDef activityTypes fill:#f3e5f5,stroke:#7b1fa2
classDef federation fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#2e7d32
classDef errorHandling fill:#ffebee,stroke:#c62828
subgraph "Client Actions"
CA1[Post Content]:::clientActions
subgraph "Activity Types"
subgraph "Media Handling"
MH1[Upload Media]:::mediaHandling
MH2[Process Media]:::mediaHandling
MH3[Store Media]:::mediaHandling
MH4[Generate Preview]:::mediaHandling
subgraph "Server A (Origin)"
CA1 & CA2 & CA3 & CA4 -->|Trigger| AT1 & AT2 & AT3 & AT4 & AT5 & AT6
AT1 & AT2 & AT3 & AT4 & AT5 & AT6 -->|Create| ACT[Activity Creation]
ACT -->|Sign| OUT[Server A Outbox]
OUT -->|Distribute| DIST[Distribution]
subgraph "Federation & Real-time"
WS[WebSub Hub]:::federation
DIST -->|Notify| WS
WS -->|Push Updates| SUB[Subscribers]
FED1[WebFinger]:::federation -->|Discover| FED2[Actor Resolution]
FED2 -->|Fetch| FED3[Public Key Exchange]
subgraph "Media Federation"
MH1 -->|Process| MH2
MH2 -->|Store| MH3
MH3 -->|Preview| MH4
MH4 -->|Attach to Activity| ACT
DIST -->|Media URLs| REM[Remote Servers]
REM -->|Fetch Media| MH3
subgraph "Server B (Remote)"
INB[Server B Inbox]:::federation
DIST -->|Deliver| INB
INB -->|Verify| FED3
INB -->|Process| PROC[Activity Processing]
PROC -->|Store| DB[Database]
DB -->|Notify| CL[Local Clients]
subgraph "Error Handling"
ERR1[Rate Limiting]:::errorHandling
ERR2[Authentication Errors]:::errorHandling
ERR3[Media Processing Errors]:::errorHandling
ERR4[Federation Errors]:::errorHandling
DIST --> ERR1 & ERR2
MH2 --> ERR3
FED2 & FED3 --> ERR4
graph TD
subgraph "ActivityPub Object Model"
OBJ[Activity Object]-->|contains|OBJ1[type]
subgraph "Server A (Origin)"
A[User Client]-->|Create Post|B[Server A API]
B-->|Create Activity|C[Activity Creation]
C-->|Validate Structure|OBJ
C-->|Sign & Store|D[Server A Outbox]
D-->|Fan out|E[Distribution]
subgraph "Federation & Security"
WF[WebFinger]-->|Discover|ACT[Actor Resolution]
ACT-->|Fetch|KEY[Public Key Retrieval]
KEY-->|Verify|SIG[Signature Check]
SIG-->|Authorize|AUTH[Access Control]
AUTH-->|Rate Limit|RATE[Rate Limiting]
subgraph "Server B (Remote)"
F[Server B Inbox]-->|Receive|SIG
AUTH-->|Process|G[Activity Processing]
H-->|Stream Processing|STR[Activity Streams]
subgraph "Error Handling"
ERR[Error Detection]-->|4xx Client Error|ERR1[Invalid Request]
ERR-->|5xx Server Error|ERR2[Server Issues]
ERR-->|Federation Error|ERR3[Network/Auth Failure]
subgraph "Activity Streams"
STR-->|Filter|STR1[Content Filtering]
STR-->|Sort|STR2[Chronological Order]
STR-->|Paginate|STR3[Page Management]
STR-->|Notify|I[Follower Clients]
E-->|Parallel Delivery|K[Other Servers]
G-->|Error Handling|ERR
These diagrams are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially
Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit to Maciej Lesiak, provide a link to this article or domain, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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